Rural Issues Committee

This committee has been discontinued

This committee assures that the Care Council decisions address the special needs of PLWH living in the rural communities. It also assists in recruiting participants for the activities of the Council such as client focus groups and client surveys.

Committee Purpose (bylaw excerpt): To ensure that the needs of rural communities and populations are reflected in the planning and decision-making process of the Council and networks to improve the availability and effectiveness of needed services in rural areas. The committee also works to ensure the active and effective participation of rural county clients and agencies and those who represent them in the planning and decision-making process. This committee seeks to educate residents about services; improve rural access to services, including meeting transportation needs of clients and to assure equitable funding of services. It also acts as a liaison between planning and service provision to ensure access and eliminate barriers to services to rural clients.

  • Comprehensive Plan, Goal 3: Ensure that HIV care and support services are high quality.

  • Objective 3(D): Establish and implement a customer satisfaction program.

Goal/Objective/Activity Steps

Allow for client and provider concerns to be brought up during meetings. Identify grievances and explain to clients how to address with provider and/or Grantee.

Identify system-wide problem and refer to appropriate party (other committees, the Grantee, HIV prevention groups, the Care Council , etc.)

  1. Maintain an agenda item at every meeting for hearing and discussing community issues and concerns.

  2. Train committee members on the Council’s role including handling concerns and grievances.

  • Comprehensive Plan, Goal 4: Ensure that a continuum of HIV-related psycho-social and support services is available throughout the TSA

  • Objective 4(A): Expand coordination and linkages with non-Ryan White funded providers in accordance with HRSA objectives.

  • Objective 4(C): Encourage an environment that supports volunteerism and advocacy.

  • Objective 4(D): Improve education on the role of the Care Council and its committees on an on-going basis.

Goal/Objective/Activity Steps

Provide a forum to educate providers and consumers about Ryan White, the Care Council and available resources/services.

  1. Alternate committee meetings between all rural counties covered by the Council.

Assist in enhancing the continuum of care available in rural communities.

  1. Identify organizations and providers that will serve all clients in rural communities.

  2. Establish links with the above organizations to make them aware of the Care Council and the available resources for PLWH, and to obtain information on the services they provide.

Assist the Council to achieve and maintain adequate rural representation in their membership.

  1. Actively recruit candidates for membership in the Care Council

  2. Recruit representatives to participate in all core committees (i.e. Planning and Evaluation , RPARC )

Provide relevant information to Council on the special needs of rural communities

  1. Present statistical reports.

  2. Assist the Council’s annual needs assessment process by recruiting rural clients to participate in all components (i.e. surveys, focus groups and public hearings).

  3. Assign a member to attend Planning and Evaluation Committee and act as a liaison between the two committees.

Adopted: 9/20/05